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Greenhill Primary School

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Forward As One CE Academy Trust


In Reception and KS1, writing is taught through RWI. Teachers supplement and embed this teaching through daily Pathways to Write lessons based on a carefully chosen class text. These allow children to interact with a text, learn and apply grammatical features and write a variety of text types. In KS2 we use Writing pathways which is a text based approach to the teaching of writing with a carefully planned skills progression across each genreThese texts have been carefully chosen to ensure challenge and progression whilst encouraging a love of reading through the use of texts that are varied and engaging. This approach to the teaching of writing immerses the children in texts, exposing them to the styles and grammatical features of specific text types.

Throughout school, we use Letterjoin to teach a cursive, joined handwriting style  through short regular sessions. This is a programme which combines handwriting practice with visual animations and provides resources which children can engage with at home.

Spelling goes beyond a list of words handed out and tested the following week. It is important that spelling patterns and rules are taught effectively and embedded. For this to happen effectively teaching needs to be daily, focused on spelling patterns and rules and taught using consistent language and strategies.  To ensure that we use a consistent whole school approach, we use RWI Spelling from Year 2 upwards where children have a 15 minute daily lesson. This ensures that the foundations built in Reception and Year 1 are built upon, using a consistent approach. Children enjoy the familiarity of the structure which enables them to focus solely on the content of the lessons.