Special Educational Needs & Disabilities
Sendco: Mrs V. Lee
Special Educational Needs and Disability Information (SEND)
Grennhill provide for a wide range of needs from academic, medical, social, physical and emotional.
Our SEND Co-ordinator (SENDCo) is Mrs Vicki Lee. Mrs Lee is contactable through school on 0161 764 7298 or via email greenhill@bury.gov.uk.
How does Greenhill Identify and Assess SEND?
The Code of Practice states a Graduated Approach to the identification and assessment of SEND. The approach recognises that there is a continuum of special educational needs and that, where necessary, increasing specialist expertise should be brought to bear on the difficulties that a learner may experience.
How are parents involved?
- When intervention programmes are put in place, parents are always involved in this process through the school’s mentoring meetings.
- Parents are invited to SEND meetings for their children.
- Individual Provisions Maps for children are shared with parents each term.
- Bury Local Authority can be contacted to assist in enquiries – there is a “Local Offer” from Bury
Greenhill also work closely with a wide range of specialist services:
- Orange Psychology
- Bereavement
- Healthy Young Minds (formerly CAMHS)
- Cognition and Learning Team (CLT)
- Dyslexia Teams
- Dyspraxia / Dyscalculia Teams
- Hearing Impairment Service
- Occupational Therapy (OT)
- Physical Disability Team
- Speech and Language Team (SALT)
- Social Communication Difficulties Team (CDT)
- School Nursing Team